encontrados 14 produtos, apresentados 1 de 14
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GE101TS-AC | Gotoh Master Relic Collection tremolo

tremolo, pitch 11,3 mm, steel block, steel sheet metal saddles with USA thread screws, 6 pivot poin


GE101A-AN | Gotoh Master Relic Collection tailpiece guitar

tailpiece guitar, LP-model, with studs and anchors, stud distance 82mm, aged nickel


BS/Ti-TC1 | Gotoh bridge for e-guitar

bridge for e-guitar, Teaser, pitch 10,8mm

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GE103/104 | Gotoh Master Relic Collection bridge for e-guitar

bridge for e-guitar, "tune-o-matic", thumbwheel spacing 74,0mm, hard zinc saddles

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CP-10-AC | Gotoh Master Relic Collection control plate

control plate, TE-model, aged chrome


EP-A1 | Gotoh Master Relic Collection strap buttons with screws

strap buttons with screws, spherical model, set of 2, aged aluminium


EP-B2 | Gotoh Master Relic Collection strap buttons with screws

strap buttons with screws, v-model, set of 2, aged aluminium


TLB-1-AN | Gotoh Master Relic Collection string ferrules

string ferrules, set of 6, aged nickel


RG105&RG130 | Gotoh Master Relic Collection string retainer

string retainer, Stallion, nickel spacer and screw, set of 2, aged nickel


NBS-3-AC | Gotoh Master Relic Collection neck plate for guitar

neck plate for guitar, including 4 screws, aged chrome


JCS-1-AC | Gotoh Master Relic Collection jack plate

jack plate, including screws, aged chrome


VK1-19 | Gotoh Master Relic Collection round dome knob

round dome knob, aged chrome


SD-90 | Gotoh machine heads for guitar

machine heads for guitar, 3x left+3x right, ratio 1:15

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SD-91 | Gotoh machine heads for guitar

machine heads for guitar, 6x left, ratio 1:15

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SD-90-SL-N | Gotoh machine heads for guitar keystone button, nickel

machine heads for guitar, 3x left+3x right, ratio 1:15, keystone button, nickel


SD-90-SL-GG | Gotoh machine heads for guitar keystone button, gold

machine heads for guitar, 3x left+3x right, ratio 1:15, keystone button, gold


SD-90-M5-N | Gotoh machine heads for guitar oval cream button, nickel

machine heads for guitar, 3x left+3x right, ratio 1:15, oval cream button, nickel


SD-90-SL-AN | Gotoh Master Relic Collection machine heads for guitar aged keystone button, aged nickel

machine heads for guitar, 3x left+3x right, ratio 1:15, aged keystone button, aged nickel


SD-90-MGTN | Gotoh machine heads for guitar magnum lock, keystone button, nickel

machine heads for guitar, 3x left+3x right, ratio 1:15, magnum lock, keystone button, nickel


SD-90-MGTGG | Gotoh machine heads for guitar magnum lock, keystone button, gold

machine heads for guitar, 3x left+3x right, ratio 1:15, magnum lock, keystone button, gold


SD-90MGTSLN | Gotoh locking machine heads for guitar locking machine heads, bean button, nickel

locking machine heads for guitar, 3x left+3x right, ratio 1:15, bean button, nickel


SD-91-05M-N | Gotoh machine heads for guitar nickel button, nickel

machine heads for guitar, 6x left, ratio 1:15, nickel button, nickel


SD-91-05M-GG | Gotoh machine heads for guitar gold button, gold

machine heads for guitar, 6x left, ratio 1:15, gold button, gold


SD-91-MGTN | Gotoh machine heads for guitar magnum lock, nickel button

machine heads for guitar, 6x left, ratio 1:15, magnum lock, nickel button


SD-91-MGTGG | Gotoh machine heads for guitar magnum lock, gold button

machine heads for guitar, 6x left, ratio 1:15, magnum lock, gold button


SD-91-NHAPM | Gotoh machine heads for guitar heigth adjustable posts, magnum lock, nickel button

machine heads for guitar, 6x left, ratio 1:15, heigth adjustable posts, magnum lock, nickel button


SD-91-05MAN | Gotoh Master Relic Collection machine heads for guitar aged nickel button, aged nickel

machine heads for guitar, 6x left, ratio 1:15, aged nickel button, aged nickel


BS-TC1S | Gotoh bridge for e-guitar brass "In-tune" saddles, nickel

bridge for e-guitar, Teaser, pitch 10,8mm, brass "In-tune" saddles, nickel


Ti-TC1S | Gotoh bridge for e-guitar titanium "In-tune" saddles, nickel

bridge for e-guitar, Teaser, pitch 10,8mm, titanium "In-tune" saddles, nickel


BS-TC1-AC | Gotoh Master Relic Collection bridge for e-guitar brass "In-tune" saddles, aged chrome

bridge for e-guitar, Teaser, pitch 10,8mm, brass "In-tune" saddles, aged chrome


GE104B-AN | Gotoh Master Relic Collection bridge for e-guitar aged nickel

bridge for e-guitar, "tune-o-matic", thumbwheel spacing 74,0mm, hard zinc saddles, aged nickel


GE103BT-B | Gotoh bridge "tune-o-matic" thumbwheel spacing 74 black

bridge "tune-o-matic" thumbwheel spacing 74,0 mm, hardzinc saddles, black


GE104B-N | Gotoh bridge for e-guitar nickel

bridge for e-guitar, "tune-o-matic", thumbwheel spacing 74,0mm, hard zinc saddles, nickel

encontrados 14 produtos, apresentados 1 de 14
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