EXP-15-MS |Crumar expressie pedaal (10K) met geïntegreerde zijknoppen voor rotary

EAN13 -39381 8719147393815
artikelnummer: EXP-15-MS
product id: 39381

expressie pedaal (10K) met geïntegreerde zijknoppen voor rotary, MOJO (1st gen)+MOJO XT
This pedal perfectly fits your organ setup, it's ideal for playing organ or keyboards when sit on a bench or on a stool. Thanks to the integrated switches you can control the speed of a rotary effect completely hands-free. Built of solid plastic and with a large and steady metal base. Two TRS long cables (included) can be plugged on it and in your Mojo (or other keyboards if compatible). Friction can be adjusted.

- 10 Kohm potentiometer
- 2 momentary switches
- TRS cables included

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